Friday, September 08, 2006

Revue or Review - We'll Take Either

Wanted: Dorkman reviews.

I'll probably put up one of these posts every now and then for anyone who has read our novel and would like to review it. Whether you like it or not, we'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments to one of these posts or at your own blog. If you do post them at your personal blog, we're also asking for permission to link.

Since we're craving honesty from our readers, we'll not remark on any personal reviews left in the comment threads. We're not moderating comments so all that we ask is that you keep your review clean and relatively family-friendly, whether you liked Dorkman or not.

Anyone who contributes, we thank you.

And if you'd rather choreograph a revue based on the book instead, you have our best wishes as you skip along your merry way.

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