Thursday, September 07, 2006

FAQs for P&S at the DBF in the ATL

Some of the more frequent questions we were asked about Dorkman or ourselves at the Decatur Book Fair and their answers appear below:

1) Is Dorkman at all autobiographical?

I think the question people really wanted to ask, but were too polite to do so, was: Are you guys dorks? To which the answer is obviously a resounding SOMETIMES!!!

However, to answer the precise question asked, Dorkman is a work of fiction and while some of the experiences and situations we have encountered in our lives might have peripherally slipped into the narrative, there's really nothing autobiographical about it. Both Ken and my personalities and commonalities are probably somewhere between Cole's and Gordon's, but neither of us mirror any of the characters within the book.

2) How do you write together, and is it difficult to do?

Easy questions. Nothing's difficult as long as Ken does what I say. Of course, if you believe that, I've got some fool's gold in my pocket for $400 an ounce.

With different projects we've taken different roles in the writing. For Dorkman in particular, I was the lead writer for the first draft, and Ken did some of the major rewriting and basically accomplished most of the editing functions. The roles reversed some when he rewrote the first couple of chapters in their entirety and added a couple in the middle of the book. In one of our newer projects, The Legend Hunters, Ken has taken the lead in writing chapters for our main POV character while I rewrite and edit. For us, either way can work.

Both of us have complementing strengths that override most of our weaknesses as writers. Having said that, it's never easy to hear that anything you've written needs to be altered. Aren't we all arrogant enough to think the first version of what we write is the perfect version? Well, it never is. From a personal standpoint, once I've written a piece, Ken has a unique and supportive way of highlighting the places where the work needs polishing, lacks sparkle, or even needs trashing, all the while pointing out the merits and strengths in what I've accomplished. We both enjoy the united aspect of team sports, and we see that same camaraderie in our writing together.

So, yes it's difficult but also exciting, and the work we've completed together far outweighs anything we could do separately. We both believe in that strongly, or we would have long since gone our own ways.

3) Will you come and speak to schools / youth groups / reading clubs, and how much notice do you have to have?

Absolutely we will speak to any of these groups about Dorkman, the issues contained within, or writing in general. However, there is a caveat. As both of us have jobs other than writing that, for now, pay the bills, scheduling will have to be strategic. At this point, we'd like to line up a series of speaking engagements in or along the way to specific places. For the most part, we'd also prefer to be able to drive to "wherever" to keep costs down, but we'll preclude nothing. There may be some instances where time or scheduling doesn't work out, but a "no" for a specific time doesn't mean a "no" forever. We're always going to try to work something out. Also, there is the compensation issue for expenses and whatnot. For now, we'll work that out on an individual basis.

We're based in Huntsville, AL, so if you would like us to speak to an institution or organization that is not in the northern or central Alabama vicinity, we'd ask for at least a month's lead time. Once again, we'll work with you.

4) Was Dorkman self-published?

No. OnStage Publishing (Onstage), a children's book publisher based in Madison, AL, bought the Dorkman manuscript. OnStage publishes children's novels and chapter books marketed for kids aged eight to eighteen. Presently, OnStage carries eleven titles and publishes two or three new titles each year. For what it's worth, most of the new titles last year came from first-time novelists. The submission guidelines for OnStage can be found at the company's website, which is

5) Is Dorkman any good?

Any good? No, it's not good. IT'S GREAT!!! AWESOME!!! WONDERIFIC!!! INCREDABULOUS!!! A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME-DON'T-DIE-WITHOUT-READING-IT type of book that you'll find nowhere else evvvvvvvv-errrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Read it today.

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