Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Author Visits

Pearce & Story endeavor viligantly in their ongoing search to locate and engage aspiring writers, voracious readers, and other youth enraptured by the wondrous nuggets of fiction-writing. This being the case, we are always and would be thrilled to either come and speak to your group(s) or perform book signings for groups should you make such a request our way. Please submit any requests to us via our e-mail at As ever, self-aggrandizement shall be kept to a strict minimum.

Speaking Engagement Rates: We have a variety of classes, interactive lessons, and conference lectures tailored specifically to age-level and time allowances on several literary subjects, including individual and collective elements of fiction-writing as well as the personal and social issues at the heart of our novel, Dorkman. We're always happy to discuss what fits your particular group's needs in an effort to maximize the effectiveness of our author visit. Our rates are as follows:

Day-long: $500 (plus expenses for non-local areas)
Half-day: $300 (plus expenses for non-local areas)

HOWEVER!!! Because having Dorkman read, studied, and, figuratively-speaking, devoured by adolescents is our primary goal as authors, we also provide FREE VISITS to groups that take advantage of our Book Purchase Option. It's as simple as three easy steps:

  1. Pre-order Dorkman through or OnStage Publishing
  2. Have your group read Dorkman prior to Pearce & Story's arrival
  3. E-mail Pearce & Story at a digital picture of your group holding their copies of Dorkman along with the requested date(s) for the author visit
In addition to the extreme pleasure we derive from individuals reading Dorkman, this Book Purchase Option allows us to discuss the novel itself along with the issues contained within the story to a knowledgeable audience. In our experience, the pre-reading of the book always increases the interest and success of our author visits.

Book Signing Rates: We'd love to visit your establishment or group for book signings. Our rates for these signing visits are as follows:

Day-long: $200 (plus expenses for non-local areas)
Half-day: $100 (plus expenses for non-local areas)
Lunchtime: $50 (local areas only)

If interested, please contact us by e-mail at Pearce & Story would love to come see you!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The last thing Cole Erickson needs right now is a distraction.

Improving his swing before baseball season and steeling his nerve to talk to the ravishing Ashley Knutson are all that matters. Unfortunately, he’s just made the cataclysmic mistake of speaking to a stranger-than-strange kid that everyone at Jackson Middle School calls:


Spawned from a naturalistic humanitarian mother, Gordon "Dorkman" Dorfmueller lives in a bug- and cat-infested house, dresses like something a thrift store vomited, and acts like he just arrived from one of the comic book worlds he spends all of his time drawing. As far as Cole is concerned, Dorkman is a complete waste of space.

But Dorkman begins to follow him everywhere: his classes... home... even the bathroom in his quest to become Cole’s new best friend. Nothing seems to stop him. And Cole fears that his popularity and his chances with Ashley have just been flushed. Things couldn’t be worse.

That is, until Cole’s friends decide to take matters into their own hands and subject Dorkman to a series of escalating pranks that ultimately humiliate Gordon and change Cole's life forever.

Beware! The Dorkman cometh!

Endorsements for Dorkman

Dorkman is a remarkable story with exceptional characters. The story is well written and captures the characteristics of today's youth.
April Garner, Ed.D
School Counselor

Dorkman proves to be an insightful glimpse at human behavior and provides the reader with the classic struggle of good versus evil, but is laced with humor and realism.
Michael Campbell, Ed.D
School Administrator

Pearce & Story have succeeded in writing a very poignant novel for young adults... there were times when I laughed out loud, and at other times I wanted to cry... the challenges that these characters face are true to life. Every pre-teen and teenager (and even adult) will relate to the situations that these young people face, the choices they must make, and the lessons they will learn.
Sandra W. Spivey, Ed.D

Middle school students can easily relate to the real world situations in Dorkman, which makes the book a favorite for all.
Chasta Breland
5th grade teacher

Dorkman did a fantastic job of highlighting the struggle adolescents feel between treating others the right way and how they have been taught versus what a teenager's world is really like - brutal!  The characters and story line were very believable.  The issues in Dorkman would make a nice basis for discussion with students about what it is really like with peers and how difficult it is to break out of the "bystander" role which so (indirectly) perpetuates the cycle of bullying.
Betsy Hughes
Middle School Counselor

After my 11 year-old son stayed up all night to finish this book, I had to read it. I also could not put the book down. The characters are so well developed that I felt all the emotions that they were feeling. The story line hits at the moral dilemmas that our children face everyday… A must read for teens!
Laura Lamb
5th grade teacher